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Gentlemen of Gray Dawes Group


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Meet The Mo BrosMake a Donation


Over £4,000 Raised!

The brave Gentlemen of Gray Dawes Group took on the facial furniture challenge… and exceeded all expectations, both in terms of the amount of money raised and their impressive moustaches!

Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health, and this Movember we are joining them. Together we can make a difference for men’s health – in prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. Help me stop men dying too young.

The work Movember do in mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer has never been more important – and the money raised for charity has never been needed more.

It was a long and itchy journey, but all worth it!



say hello to the brave men of Tash Club

Craig Smith

Craig Smith

IT Support Manager

John Cooper

John Cooper

Group Marketing Director

David Clayton

David Clayton

Product Manager

Hayden Sweet

Hayden Sweet

Development Manager

Luke Polley

Luke Polley

Marketing Consultant

Matt Lambert

Matt Lambert

Head of Product

James Thomas

James Thomas

Business Travel Consultant

Tony Connolly

Tony Connolly

Team Leader

Micah Jaggard

Micah Jaggard

Infrastructure Manager

Matthew Bond

Matthew Bond

Account Manager

John Pawson

John Pawson

Square1 Director

Filip Szymanski

Filip Szymanski

IT Support Apprentice

Richard Priestley

Richard Priestley

Senior Sales Executive

Harry Salter

Harry Salter

Corporate Sales Manager

Tom Kingston

Tom Kingston

Systems Integration Manager

Gavin Sanderson

Gavin Sanderson

Director of Client Development

Ian Currington

Ian Currington

Director of Account Management

Richard Allardice

Richard Allardice

Group Finance Director

Vladimir Mourek

Vladimir Mourek

Data Engineer

Connor Danylenko

Connor Danylenko

Marketing Assistant

James Howard

James Howard

Network Supervisor

Chris Atherton

Chris Atherton

Group Commercial Accountant

Matthew Bozwood-Davies

Matthew Bozwood-Davies

Demand & Revenue Executive

Jake Baker

Jake Baker

IT Support


click on a pic to check out the weekly progress of our brand Mo Bros